nikkor105 wrote: 🕐 12-18-24 22:11Can you please add the Voigtlander 35mm F 2 Macro Apo-Ultron lens and the Voigtlander 50mm F 1.2 Nokton lens
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JT wrote: 🕐 11-13-24 14:26I have been blown away with the rendering and quality of my 50 1.0 Nokton. I have the M mount version but to be honest, I get better results with it adapted to my Nikon ZF. It makes me want to get the native ZF so the focus confirmation works. But on a scale from 1 to 10. Its a 10 baby!
Sample from the ZF
Here it is on my M
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JT wrote: 🕐 11-20-23 12:17Today, I picked up the new 50mm f1.0 Voigtlander. What a sexy beast😏
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JT wrote: 🕐 09-18-23 12:23If you upload photos and don't see a lens to assign the photo, please let me know and I will add it to the list of lenses you can add to your lens collection.
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JT wrote: 🕐 08-12-24 08:56I am curious how you found out about this website. Please share. It will help me spread the word about the site.
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JT wrote: 🕐 03-28-24 09:48For all of you that have made a donation / subscription to the site, I wanted to say thank you very much for your support. It really helps keep the site going and I want you to know I am very appreciative.
Thank you,
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JT wrote: 🕐 09-27-23 13:00You can provide simple links to your profile with in the url to make it easy to share on other sites by simply prefixing with your username.
For example
will go directly to my profile page.
[b]Do NOT[/b] put https in the link as it will not pass the security test and throw a warning. You can use http which will redirect to https for you.
If you have a dot in your name, then just remove the dot. so a user name with john.doe would just be jondoe
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JT wrote: 🕐 09-25-23 15:28Here is one of my favorites. Yes it's my own but I really like the "I'm so cool" dude
Show us your favorites
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JT wrote: 🕐 09-17-23 19:15As you may or may not recall, was originally dedicated to host images taken with Voigtlander / Cosina lenses. There were quite a few members sharing their work on the site. Then, one day it was removed by mistake along with its backup. Ever since it has been non existent. However, just recently I managed to find some old backups and together with some Sherlock Holmes work, I put together what I think we had before.
If you come across any issues let me know so I can address them.
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JT wrote: 🕐 09-12-23 19:58If you wanted to style some of your messages, posts, comments etc, here are a few tips.
Place your text between
[b] for bold [/b]
[code] to display code block [/code]
[quote] to quote some text [/quote]
[i] for italics [/i]
[u] to underline [/u]
[s] to strike through [/s]
[pc] to center align text in a paragraph [/pc]
[pl] to left align text in a paragraph [/pl]
[pr] to right align text in a paragraph [/pr]
[size=18] to set the font size in pixels [/size]
[color=red] to set the font color [/color]
To show an unordered list like
• Ford
• Chevy
• Jeep
Use the following
[*] Ford
[*] Chevy
[*] Jeep
To Show an ordered list like
1 Ford
2 Chevy
3 Jeep
Use the following
[*] Ford
[*] Chevy
[*] Jeep
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JT wrote: 🕐 09-04-23 22:32Creating a story still lets you present your a photographic story using your photos from the gallery. The process is quite simpe.
Go to your dashboard and click on [b]Manage stories[/b] from the Manage options menu on the left. Or, use the top menu under [b]Stories[/b].
If you do not have any stories started yet, you will get a message. Simply click on the [b]Add a new story[/b] button to create a story.
Give the story a title and some content in the form that you see. Then click on [b]Submit new story[/b].
Don't worry. Its not published yet.
Now add the photos you wish to include in your story by clicking on the [b]Add photos[/b] link on the manage your story page. Clicking on this link brings you into the familiar edit edit photo options you have already used before. All your photos will be displayed in order to assign them to stories. However, to minimize clutter, only the [b]Stories[/b] option is available. Your are simpl;y selecting the pictures you wish to include in your story at this time.
Just make sure to click on [b]Apply edits[/b] under each photo to save your changes. If you want to make changes afterwards, just refresh the page.
Done adding photos to your story? Just click on [b]Manage stories[/b] from the top menu and you will be back at the basic story management menu.
You will now see [b]Edit photos[/b] link instead of the [b]Add photos[/b] link.
Click on it and from, there add the content you wantto display for each photo, set the display order or remove photos from the story.
As you hover over each photo, the edit options will appear. Just make changes and click on [b]Submit edits[/b].
Use the [b]Display order[/b] field to set the order in which the photos appear. 1 would be at the top, followed by 2, etc ... If you messed up and want to stick another picture between 1 and 2, give it a display order of something like 1.5.
Also you can use any number values, you can start with 10, and increment to 20 or 25 ot whatever. Just remember the display order in the story is based on the numeric value you assign.
If you check the Publish checkbox, and apply changes, your story will be published and visible to others.
To view stories, simply click on [b]Stories[/b] from the top menu. Click on the title of a story to view the story.
Layout of the images on the story are balanced between left and right of the page. This is automatically done for you and you have no control over that.
Here is an example of a story on .
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JT wrote: 🕐 09-04-23 22:32Ever wanted to replace a photo with a better quality version of it or higher resolution without losing links, views, likes, comments etc... ? Well now you can. I added the ability to replace an image.
Simply click the edit options for the image and Follow the link under the "Replace image" option.
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